API Reference
CLI Usage

CLI Reference

You can use turbo --help to get information on how to use these command and get additional information about their usage on these pages:

Option Syntax

Options can be passed to turbo in different ways. Options that require a value can be passed with an equals sign:

--opt="<value with a space>"

They can also be passed with a space between:

--opt value
--opt "value with a space"

Boolean options can be enabled as follows:

# To pass true
# To pass false

Global Arguments

The following flags apply to all commands.


Forces the use of color even when the output stream is not considered to be a TTY terminal. This can be used to enable turbo's color output for CI runners such as Github Actions which have support for rendering color in their log output.

turbo run build --color

Alternatively, you can also enable color using the FORCE_COLOR environment variable (borrowed from the supports-color nodejs package (opens in a new tab)). Note that this may also enable additional colored output from the actual tasks themselves if they use supports-color to determine whether or not to output with colored output.

declare -x FORCE_COLOR=1
turbo run build


Suppresses the use of color in the output when running turbo in an interactive / TTY session.

turbo run build --no-color

Alternatively, you can also suppress color using the FORCE_COLOR environment variable (borrowed from the supports-color nodejs package (opens in a new tab)).

declare -x FORCE_COLOR=0
turbo run build


Disables the update notification. This notification will be automatically disabled when running in CI environments, but can also be disabled manually via this flag.

turbo run build --no-update-notifier

Alternatively, you can also disable the update notification by using either the TURBO_NO_UPDATE_NOTIFIER environment variable, or the NO_UPDATE_NOTIFIER environment variable (borrowed from the update-notifier nodejs package (opens in a new tab)).

turbo run build